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EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
Every living organism needs water in order to function properly. No other liquid is needed to survive. Water is the liquid that makes up 70% of our body mass. Your body relies on water to digest food and to expel waste.
The quality of water you drink matters. With all the toxic chemicals that can be present in public water supplies, as well as bottled water, it’s best if you drink purified water. Water contains many of the nutrients that make us healthy and keep us alive. Unfortunately, some chemicals in water are also dangerous.
While a number of chemicals in water is usually not enough to cause significant harm, the possibility of long-term effects still exists. Here are some of the negative health defects caused by excess chemicals in the water:
Toxic chemicals in water can cause brain damage. In one study, children who were exposed to high levels of fluoride had lower than normal IQ’s.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia may be caused by lethal amounts of fluoride.
According to studies, male children who lived in areas with fluoridated water experienced two to seven times more cases of bone cancer than other male children.
Toxic chemicals in water can cause birth defects and prenatal deaths.
Excess chemicals in the water have also been linked to problems with the immune system. source www.globalhealingcenter.com
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs or primary standards) are legally enforceable standards that apply to public water systems. Primary standards protect public health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water.
Visit the list of regulated contaminants with links for more details.
List of Contaminants and their Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
EPA’s Regulated Contaminant Timeline (PDF) (1 pp, 86 K ) (About PDF)
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations– The complete regulations regarding these contaminants available from the Code of Federal Regulations Website
Information on Chemical Facts
Alphabetical List (PDF) (6 pp, 924 K) (About PDF) EPA 816-F-09-0004, May 2009
List of Contaminants and their (MCLs)
An alphabetical listing with links to fact sheets on the primary drinking water regulations.
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