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What is Recovery Infographic

What is Recovery?

Who better can explain what recovery actually means (and how they got there) than someone who is actually in recovery?

This infographic represents over 9,300 case studies, making visual the data collected by a recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health about types of recovery, definitions, as well as the how people get into recovery.

Inside, you can explore demographic information about recovery as it relates to gender, age, ethnicity, and employment. You can also discover:

  • How do people in recovery feel about their quality of life?

  • For how long have most people been in recovery?

  • What are the paths to addiction recovery?

  • What types of recovery are possible?

Your comments and questions about addiction recovery are welcomed


My Place In Recovery focuses on recovery by helping the individual gain a deeper understanding of the disease of addiction, and provide an action plan to restore health and balance to the individual’s life.

They experience the compassionate care and personalized attention necessary for achieving lasting recovery.

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