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Social Issue News: Dead From Abuse 62 Kids in Cuyahoga Over 10

Kevin A Kozuh and ESIR report on the escilating amout of child abuse deaths

Between 2006 and 2015, 62 kids died because of abuse and or neglect in Cuyahoga County, according to the most recently available data from the county’s Child Fatality Report.

The numbers even higher if you add all homicides.

The case of a child allegedly beaten to death in Clevelandwhile being cared for by her mom and her mom’s partner, has put a spotlight on the reality of child abuse and, ultimately, kids who die at the hands of their parents or caregivers.

Police say 5-year-old Ta'naejah McCloud was taken to University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital via EMS with “massive head trauma,” last Friday. She died on Tuesday.

McCloud’s mother, Tequila Crump and her mother’s girlfriend, Ursula Owens, have now been charged with felonious assault.

The charges could be amended as the investigation continues.

Kevin A Kozuh and ESIRC report on child abuse statistics

ESIRC™ Mission:

ESIRC™ [Environmental and Social Issues Resource Center™] is a new division of “Black Oak Ridge Productions™” that will be partnering with several major organizations dedicated to community social and environmental issues. Our mission is to work critically within communities and provide an opportunity to connect and assist those who are dealing with circumstances of need or volatile environmental issues . We will work within the community to help and educate individuals of all ages, races, faiths, backgrounds, abilities, and income levels. We are an organization designed exclusively to present programs, services, seminars, lectures, counseling, current news on specific social and environmental issues for the inter-generational sectors of communities and provide research and educational material online.

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