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The Twelve Steps of Recovery Infographic

Infographic and Education Material is Compliments of Recovery Connection

The 12 Steps of Recovery are considered the corner stone of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 Step programs modeled on the AA program. These steps were developed early in the growth of AA by AA members.

The steps were develop to help people suffering from alcoholism move from a state of using, denying, and blame to taking control of their individual lives. Using the steps has been a process that has proven successful for many over the years.

The steps map out a series of actions that members take to help themselves move past their secrets, take responsibility for their past choices, create a spiritual foundation, create a model for evaluating daily behavior, a way to fix the wrongs done during active addiction and the understanding that each of us needs to help another person.

This infographic provides you with a quick and easy to read overview of the purpose behind each step and the goal of working the steps.

ABOUT RECOVERY CONNECTION Recovery Connection's mission is to become a hub for the addiction recovery industry. We aim to connect people in need of treatment with both the information and resources needed for them to find quality treatment that is right for them.

We also aim to be a resource for treatment providers to not only share their story but to also become a part of our community. Together we can all work to increase the opportunity for people suffering from the disease of addiction to overcome their addiction and a live a life in recovery.

In St Petersburg: My Place in Recovery MPIR opens services to anyone regardless of Race, Class, Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity, Age, and Religious Belief. We are non-sectarian. We also commit to serving anyone, as best as we can, with disabilities. We desire for everyone to succeed in our programs. Our attitude is to see everyone succeed at MPIR. We operate in a cooperative manner with a commitment to clients having self-governance and input into all of our programs and their success. We seek solidarity with all who struggle with homelessness, prejudice, addictions, poverty, mental illness, and injustice.

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<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="infographic" width="500" height="1517" border="0" ></a><br />Via <a href="" target="_blank">Recovery Connection</a><br />View More <a href="" target="_blank">Addiction Related Infographics</a></div>

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